Design Magic Begins
Here ...

We specialise in creating ...
Responsive, Attractive Websites
We are here to help you showcase your digital presence. We make attractive websites for small businesses, artists and schools etc. — actually for anyone who is looking for his or her responsive cool website that works equally well on computers, tablets and mobiles.
Our charges are reasonable because we believe in volumes and wish to help as many people as we can. What are you waiting for? Get in touch. We are just a click away.
We Offer a Complete
School Management System
A great tool to manage students, classes, transport, library, homework, exams, attendence and much more
Probably we are alone in the market, who set up a complete School Management System for a one-time payment. All others charge annually. We charge a one-time set up fee (irrespective of the number of students). Obviously there would be some extra charges, such as annual maintenance, training your staff on how to handle the user-friendly software, domain registration, webhosting and government taxes. We offer several modules, including:

- Classes and Sections
- Subjects
- Study Meterials
- Attendence

- Student Registration
- Student Admission
- Student Promotion
- Student Transfer

- Roles and Permissions
- Administrator
- Teachers
- Non-teaching staff

- Fee Invoice Generation
- Expense Management
- Income management
- Payment Collection

- Manage Exams
- Exam Time table
- Publish Admit Card

- Manage Books
- Issue Library Cards
- Issue Books

- Manage Vehicles
- Student Admission
- Student Promotion

- School Settings
- SMS & Email Templates
- Email Carrier
What Else We Offer
One-Stop Solutions for Bespoke Designing, Printing and Publishing

We build beautiful and responsive WordPress-based websites for schools, small businesses and start-ups

We specialize in designing and printing publicity materials such as logos, brochures, pamphlets and small booklets

We are here to handle your school-related printing needs like almanacs, yearbooks, prospectus and photobooks

We design lanyards and identity cards, print them and attach with attractive holders as per your budget

We will design pages and covers of your books and publish them at reasonable rates

We supply educational products, learning toys, stationery materials, lab products, school furniture etc.
Hot Offers
Daily Poster for Your School's Facebook, Instagram & Twitter pages !!!
Keep engaging your audience and maintain visibility during the pandemic
Every school is facing the challenge of maintaining their institution’s visibility among the captive audience as well as prospective parents, especially at a time when on-site classes are missing, and there are frequent lockdowns and holidays. An entire school session has passed amid this uncertainty and there are risked for the second year.
We offer to provide 24 well-designed and meaningful posters for each working day of a month at a rate of Rs. 1,000/- per month. You could post these posters on your social media pages to engage your audience. We could even post them daily for a small fee. Please get in touch to know more about the offer.